Harrison got a chance to play his first poker game with his great grandmother "Mimi". It was an evening I will never forget. I love them both so very much!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Don't Worry
During our kitchen dance party today, Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" came on Pandora. I love this song, it speaks to me. See, I am a worrier. I know that is a weakness of mine. And one of the beautiful things about my marriage is that my sweet husband is not and he helps talk me down from the ledge on the regular. I worry a lot. About things that are out of my control. Here is what Mr. McFerrin has to say about worrying.....
"Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......"
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......"
Even though I have always loved this song, it struck me today that this song is also biblical. Seriously!
In an effort to battle my worries, I have been memorizing Matthew 6:25-34
Sounds like ole Bobby was right!
And here is your daily dose of cuteness.....
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Daddy Daughter Dance
For those of you who did not know, I have been the Children's Director at our church (www.loveshelbyville.com) since September. I am loving this position so much, it has been a dream! One exciting event we have going on at CCC is this....
Let me know if you or someone you know would like to join us!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Back from the dead?
Well, actually, we have been far from dead. In fact, my reason for not blogging has been because sometimes life is a little to busy to stay caught up. And if I am honest, I have not felt caught up for about 6 months now.
I have been sad about my lack of blogging for a couple of months now. But it was not until an email this morning from my Daddy that I decided to log into Blogger and fill you in.
As if life were not busy enough as it was, Matt and I decided to put our house on the Market on January 2nd. We found a home that we fell in love with. It was the perfect fit our family and we had a feeling that this "was THE house". We have been dreaming of this day since we found out about baby #2. We love our home, it has been the perfect starter home. But with only 3 bedrooms, no basement, no garage, 2 kids and 2 dogs, we have seriously out grown our space. We made an offer on the home under construction and the builder accepted! The offer was contingent, which meant we had to sell our house, stat.
It took 3 days to get the house show ready (painted baseboards, cleaned out closets, touched up walls, made the outside as appealing as it can in January). That was a lot of work with two busy little bodies, but I knew the worst was ahead of us....keeping the house "show ready", packing up the kids and the dogs with each showing, ugh. I was feeling very overwhelmed and it sounded awful. We got our first showing 4 days later. We were told he was very interested but never heard back. I was feeling a bit anxious to sell since our dream home was on the line. 11 days after listing was my birthday (holy cow I am now 29!). My birthday is a seriously special day, and it never fails that something MAJOR happens on my birthday.
Four years ago on my birthday I heard Harrison's heart beat for the very first time. Two years ago on January 13th, I found out we were adding a little girl to our growing family. On 1-13-12 I received the perfect part time work from home job I could have imagined. And this year....WE SOLD OUR HOUSE. Yup. I could not make that up. Best. Day. Ever.
My last couple days have been consumed with paint colors, hard wood, carpet, appliances, cabinets, light fixtures, tile, wall paper, pinterest.... I am exhausted, only when I climb in bed I can't sleep because I am thinking about our new house. It is a very exciting, overwhelming, exhausting, emotional and EXCITING time.
I will post pictures soon of the house, but for now I will leave you with some pictures of the walking tornadoes that live in my house.
**** Just an FYI so you can get a visual of my morning. As I have typed this, Harrison has sat in his bean bag chair and watched Power Rangers. In the same 15 minutes, Harper has knocked over the trash can (she came running screaming "trash fall down" with her head covered by her arms), taken all of the cushions off of the couch, flushed the toilette twice, shut herself in a closet, tried to drink a non lit candle and then dropped it yelling "HAWT" (it was not hot), hid behinds the blinds and said "Hi mommy", ran to me holding her diaper saying "I poop again", tried to poor a glass of water on to Molly saying "want a drink Lolly?" leaving Molly and my couch wet, and climbed on the kitchen table screaming "STUCK" at the top of her lungs. To say she wears me out is the understatement of the day. She is crazy, and funny, and busy, and I have never met a kid with more personality. She is awesome, but she leaves me very little time to blog.
I have been sad about my lack of blogging for a couple of months now. But it was not until an email this morning from my Daddy that I decided to log into Blogger and fill you in.
As if life were not busy enough as it was, Matt and I decided to put our house on the Market on January 2nd. We found a home that we fell in love with. It was the perfect fit our family and we had a feeling that this "was THE house". We have been dreaming of this day since we found out about baby #2. We love our home, it has been the perfect starter home. But with only 3 bedrooms, no basement, no garage, 2 kids and 2 dogs, we have seriously out grown our space. We made an offer on the home under construction and the builder accepted! The offer was contingent, which meant we had to sell our house, stat.
It took 3 days to get the house show ready (painted baseboards, cleaned out closets, touched up walls, made the outside as appealing as it can in January). That was a lot of work with two busy little bodies, but I knew the worst was ahead of us....keeping the house "show ready", packing up the kids and the dogs with each showing, ugh. I was feeling very overwhelmed and it sounded awful. We got our first showing 4 days later. We were told he was very interested but never heard back. I was feeling a bit anxious to sell since our dream home was on the line. 11 days after listing was my birthday (holy cow I am now 29!). My birthday is a seriously special day, and it never fails that something MAJOR happens on my birthday.
Four years ago on my birthday I heard Harrison's heart beat for the very first time. Two years ago on January 13th, I found out we were adding a little girl to our growing family. On 1-13-12 I received the perfect part time work from home job I could have imagined. And this year....WE SOLD OUR HOUSE. Yup. I could not make that up. Best. Day. Ever.
My last couple days have been consumed with paint colors, hard wood, carpet, appliances, cabinets, light fixtures, tile, wall paper, pinterest.... I am exhausted, only when I climb in bed I can't sleep because I am thinking about our new house. It is a very exciting, overwhelming, exhausting, emotional and EXCITING time.
I will post pictures soon of the house, but for now I will leave you with some pictures of the walking tornadoes that live in my house.
**** Just an FYI so you can get a visual of my morning. As I have typed this, Harrison has sat in his bean bag chair and watched Power Rangers. In the same 15 minutes, Harper has knocked over the trash can (she came running screaming "trash fall down" with her head covered by her arms), taken all of the cushions off of the couch, flushed the toilette twice, shut herself in a closet, tried to drink a non lit candle and then dropped it yelling "HAWT" (it was not hot), hid behinds the blinds and said "Hi mommy", ran to me holding her diaper saying "I poop again", tried to poor a glass of water on to Molly saying "want a drink Lolly?" leaving Molly and my couch wet, and climbed on the kitchen table screaming "STUCK" at the top of her lungs. To say she wears me out is the understatement of the day. She is crazy, and funny, and busy, and I have never met a kid with more personality. She is awesome, but she leaves me very little time to blog.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Potty Trained!
Folks, it's official. My boy is potty trained.

We went on a family vacation to New Hampshire in the beginning of July. The entire trip, Harrison was asking to use the potty. I was fine with it at the hotel (I think that potty was clean), but at the public beach, I was not fine with it (I KNEW that potty as not clean). We talked for a few days about how when we got home he was ready to be a big boy. He literally told be he was ready. I told him that if he learned to use the bathroom like a big boy, I would get him a fish....I mean, what is one more living thing around here :)
So, we got home and settled on a Sunday and Monday we hit the ground running. Day one was tough. Enough accidents that I questioned if this was a good idea. But by Wednesday, Harrison was dry all day! It was amazing how quickly he caught on. By Friday, I was so proud of my boy that we packed up and made a trip to Feeders Supply.
Harrison got to pick out his fish all by himself. He picked a blue Beta fish and named him "Orange". And yes, my son does know his colors. Here is his reasoning....Elmo has a fish named Dorthy and Dorthy is orange. Therefore, he wanted to name his fish "Orange". I could never tell you how much I love this kid and all of hiscrazy genius little thoughts.
We went on a family vacation to New Hampshire in the beginning of July. The entire trip, Harrison was asking to use the potty. I was fine with it at the hotel (I think that potty was clean), but at the public beach, I was not fine with it (I KNEW that potty as not clean). We talked for a few days about how when we got home he was ready to be a big boy. He literally told be he was ready. I told him that if he learned to use the bathroom like a big boy, I would get him a fish....I mean, what is one more living thing around here :)
So, we got home and settled on a Sunday and Monday we hit the ground running. Day one was tough. Enough accidents that I questioned if this was a good idea. But by Wednesday, Harrison was dry all day! It was amazing how quickly he caught on. By Friday, I was so proud of my boy that we packed up and made a trip to Feeders Supply.
Harrison got to pick out his fish all by himself. He picked a blue Beta fish and named him "Orange". And yes, my son does know his colors. Here is his reasoning....Elmo has a fish named Dorthy and Dorthy is orange. Therefore, he wanted to name his fish "Orange". I could never tell you how much I love this kid and all of his
I think we are both pretty proud!
One Year Comparison
Here it is, the big "one year comparison".
Here is Harrison (literally) demolishing his first cupcake!
Harper was a bit more ladylike....
Here is Harrison (literally) demolishing his first cupcake!
Harper was a bit more ladylike....
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Happy Birthday Harper
I mean, it's only been three months, but what the heck.
My sweet girl turned a year old in May. It was not the picture perfect party I had planned because I got sick. Really sick. So sick that I canceled her first birthday party. To say I was bummed is the year's biggest understatement. I mean, I had been collecting and making pinwheels for three months! I know Harper will never know the difference, and if I am honest, the only one I felt I was letting down was Pinterest.
Harper is just as awesome as she is beautiful. She is spunky, snuggly, sassy, smart, social, silly, and sweet. She is tough to keep up with, so adorable that discipline is difficult, a hugger, mommy's shadow, a daddy's girl, she mimics her big brother and loves on her baby dolls. She has a smile that will melt you, a precious rat tail (this deserves a post all in its self), the most adorable button nose, and the most awesome eyes that will serve as one of her most valuable accessories.
At this point she was still one of the easiest going babies anyone had ever seen. A constantly happy, easy going, love on everyone kind of girl. I mean, she is perfect. My little Harper Love.
I love you so much, my sweet girl.
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