Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here I Come To Save The Day!!!!

The victim......

The attacker.....

The hero..... 

About an hour ago, I had my first real scare as a mommy.  I was cleaning the kitchen as Harrison was napping when I heard the baby monitor begin to beep which meant the monitor had been knocked over.  I went in Harrison's room expecting to see that his head had bumped into the monitor as he napped peacefully.  Instead I was horrified at what I found.  My son's precious chunky leg was caught between the rails of his crib and he was calmly laying on his back holding the baby monitor.  As I walked over to move his leg, my stomach dropped as I realized it was stuck.  The poor boy's thunder thigh was lodged between the rails of his crib and was not budging.  I tried to carefully move his leg up and that is when he started to wail!!  In a frantic panic, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the trusty can of generic brand PAM.  After greasing up my chunkster, his leg came loose with a little redness to show for his traumatic experience.  


He quickly forgot his red knee with a visit from Reese!